Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Youtube Videos Galore!

So apparently I'm spending my days of summer freedom watching Youtube videos... 

Anyway, if you have a few minutes... I enjoyed this: 

And all jokes aside, I actually find the song really catchy!    Acoustic version, yeah!  
I like this Chester See guy's voice.  I mean, clearly, both videos have been edited, but I still think it's pretty cool.

Also, speaking of editing (remember Kurt Schneider, Sam Tsui's cute friend? Yeah, that's what he did), the guy who made the "Nice Guys" song posted a video about the process, which I thought was interesting...  then again, I also think Howard Hughes is interesting, so you may think otherwise.  Anyway, here is the video: 

And finally, in an unrelated video, yet another spoof of Rebecca Black's "Friday": 

I've also been spending a good portion of the past couple days listening to Matt Nathanson... and I feel upset that he is under-appreciated.  But perhaps I'll leave that for another post.

(P.S....  Is it bad that I want to buy this "Nice Guys" song on iTunes?)