Saturday, June 12, 2010

So I've realized something. I don't think I'm bad writer. I'm just bad at deciding what to write. A lot of times, especially when it comes admissions essays, I just need some guidance on what I should write about. Once I've settled on that, I find that I do okay. It's just that when left to my own devices, I often pick the wrong things to write about.

So maybe that does make me a bad writer. Since the hardest part may be in laying out that effective outline, no?

I'm starting to think about essays the way I think about artwork. Those of you who know me know that I like to dabble in art. Of course, I'm nothing spectacular, but that can't stop me from appreciating it. Anyway, I think the greatest achievement for any piece of artwork is to perfectly capture an experience, complete with all the joys and turmoils, thoughts and feelings that accompany it.

I wish I could do that with my writing. Just write an essay which overflows with the "essence" of me. While casting that essence in the best possible light, of course.

That, I think, would be the highest bar for any form of expression.

Also, you might be inclined to think that I'm a terrible writer, judging from this blog. In my defense, I don't think this blog is a fair representation. It's not like I spend a lot of time editing these posts or anything. These posts are more like what Lindsay Lohan would call "word vomit" in the movie Mean Girls. Just sayin'.

I should probably start posting more interesting things rather than word-vomiting all the time.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The real world pretty much scares me shitless. I want to be a perpetual student.

Okay, so I'm exaggerating on both fronts there, but I got your attention, didn't I? Hyperbole is the way to go.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Email is the new snail mail, and Facebook is the new email.